Wednesday, August 24, 2005

The Fastest 2 Years of My Life...

As a kid, I have always wanted to grow fast – probably because of the 4 years (and more) gap between me and my older brothers and sister…Feeling ko, I need to catch up on a lot of things…hence, I made myself believe that I need to mature early, way too early for my age…As if a baby in diapers started using lipstick…this I think, was the culprit why I skipped on a lot of things (a more “in” social life - partying, gimmicks, lunches & nights out with friends, flings and more boyfriends…hehe) and took a shortcut…

Last year was the start of the Fastest Two Years of My Life…Rushing to the family life, I carried a bouncing baby boy in my tummy for nine months…accompanied by many other complications we only found out that time…A possible miscarriage, a lump in my right armpit (still considered breast area), a lump in the uterus (a.k.a. myoma) an ailing right kidney (way too small than the normal), a borderline diabetes (too much sweets dear) and an overworked brain still trying to figure out how in the world am I still alive with all those and how am I going to survive all those with a baby growing along with them inside me…Whew…

Yes, I am a very sickly kid, I have a normal fever temperature of 400C without convulsions…I would usually have fever or infection at least every 2 months…And my parents could have made an “excuse letter” template patented in their name… I assume that my family wasn’t shocked to find out all of those I mentioned above…I think “it’s just a matter of time” thing…

I flew to the US in hope that I would be able to get through the pregnancy “healthy”. After nine months of waiting, and all the slang I had to understand, and the dilemma of having to translate my “aray” to “ouch” during labor, I delivered an “eagle-marked” cute and healthy baby…I had a biopsy for the armpit lump which said it was benign but would still need to be excised…a ‘disappeared” myoma (which probably was just behind a big baby during ultrasound sessions), a function-stabilized mini-kidney…a tamed down diabetes…and a re-acquired sanity…

After packing “our” things and saying my goodbyes…the flight back home was the quickest airborne travel I ever had in my life…Back in the Philippines, I had to deal with my baby, change soiled diapers, breastfeed, do the laundry, etc. Good thing I had the instinct of reading “homemaking” books since age 10…

I barely (or maybe I just tried to ignore) had the time to attend to “unfinished” medical concerns…I was too absorbed with my darling little angel and too lazy to burn some calories…After 2 months as a stay-at-home mom (with a MOM figure), I prepared myself going back to school again to finish my remaining units…It’s because of my mom’s pleading (I’ll be busy with plates and esquisses again) that I finally gave in and had trips to my OB-Gyne, Dentist, Breast Surgeon and Nephrologist…

I remember that I still need to have the armpit lump excised so I scheduled an outpatient operation…My breast surgeon however, still needs to ask for clearance from my nephrologists…So my nephrologist ordered for a comprehensive laboratory examination…With the results out…my blood exam (CBC in medical terms) turned out to be more than abnormal…I had to be referred to a hematologist, have a bone marrow aspiration and Boom! Another medical term “Leukemia” added to my frequently used words…

So instead of the excision I am scheduled to have, I was admitted to the hospital for chemotherapy…I also underwent operation, an implantation of a porta-catheter (a catheter connected to a major vein near my heart, for easy administration of intravenous things…oh yeah, I won’t be able to show off my cleavage anymore…) All the other concerns are going to be addressed later on…

I already had 2 chemotherapy sessions, 5 bone marrow aspirations, more than 10 platelet and packed red blood cell transfusions, more than a hundred oral medicines taken, more than a hundred thousand pesos spent and over a million hair strands shed…Still, no assurance of getting well in the days to come…

Despite my eagerness as a kid to make time fly fast, I felt this is God’s way of telling me what really is “fast”…Since end of May until now, I am hanging on to what I call “Divine Mercy”…I would always hear people telling me to be strong, but I guess it’s really different from their point of view to mine…Funny how people with toothache seem to ail too much without thinking that there are others with bigger pains are silently enduring it…

I guess I was too stupid to make things so fast that I forgot to see the minor details that would make MY life more meaningful…But, I guess that stupidity was enough to wake up and help other people make THEIR lives more meaningful…
Hey God, I asked for Fast…but not TOO Fast…


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